Tom and Monica Tucker in San Miguel de Allende

We cannot thank you enough for making our challenging move to Mexico such a great success!

Our advice to anyone considering a move south of the border is simple. Call Best Mexico Movers right now and get Chuck and Hannia on your team.

Your advice throughout the planning and execution was invaluable. When we hit complications or road blocks you were always ready to help and you were always immediately available.

As a business owner myself I put a very high value on customer service. Best Mexico Movers’ service was unparalleled. I’m certain we gave you a few unusual wrinkles, especially during Covid, but you were always ready for whatever we threw at you.


After interviewing many other moving companies there was simply no comparison. It was clear that Best Mexico Movers cared about us and would go the extra mile to ensure our move would be the best possible.

I could go on and present all the ways in which you helped but that would take many pages. Simply, you guys were great.

Thank you.

Tom & Monica Tucker
San Miguel de Allende

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